Topokki 韩式年糕

Topokki 韩式年糕

RM 13


Korean Topokki  (Tteookbokki) is one of the most representative snacks in Korea. It has very Chewy bite and needs to be cooked with Topokki  (Tteookbokki) Sauce to make it delicious.

RM 13

The popularization of Topokki  (Tteookbokki) began after the 1950 Korean Civil War, as people began cooking and selling rice cake with spiciness as street food.

Starting in the 1980s, Topokki vendors in street food carts began to appear, and Topokki penetrated the food markets of Korea with alleyways lined with Topokki vendors, which made it a popular national snack for many Koreans.

Starting in the 21st century, Topokki was developed into different types, flavors, and concepts, making it more up-scale and diverse, and the branding of the dish using special cooking methods and recipes was developed.

Topokki 的普及始于 1950 年朝鲜内战之后,人们开始烹饪和销售以甜辣味为街头食品的年糕。

从 1980 年代开始,街头食品车上的 Topokki 摊贩开始出现,Topokki 通过排列着 Topokki 摊贩的小巷渗透到韩国的食品市场,这使其成为许多韩国人的流行民族小吃。

从 21 世纪开始,Topokki 发展成为不同的类型、风味和概念,使其更加规模和多样化,以及使用的菜肴品牌开发了特殊的烹饪方法和食谱。

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